Green Materials

Green materials are the ones which are manufactured with non chemical ingredients and do not have any harmful impact on the nature. These materials are also compatible enough to fulfill the specified needs without harming the plant and animal life. Green materials can be used for building purposes, for interior decoration, for daily needs and many other varieties of requirements. Energy efficient window settings for ultimate ventilation, dual pane widows for proper insulation, solar systems, energy saving lighting fittings are more into use.

These natural products are more essential because many a time’s children are the ones who fall as the primary victims. The pressure treated lumber in your garden which is used for keeping the pests away contains cyanide which is fatal chemical. Switching on to pest free timber alternatives would be better choice instead. Green materials like cork flooring, recycled carpeting, bamboo flooring, bio degradable wood flooring, linoleum flooring are in high demand these days.

According to the green police, green materials are non toxic and recycled items. They do not involve any health threats. These products also increase the utility, comfort, durability of the outputs. Eco friendly paints are also available these days where the harmful chemical content is quite low. Green materials also include waste and pollution reducing goods, green roofs and photovoltaic processes.

January 29, 2010 at 2:30 pm Leave a comment

Green Community

The planning, design and construction of the buildings is a major factor that affects the health of the communities as well as the health of this earth. For a green community to develop, it requires the citizens, political leaders, government agencies and building developers to work as a team with a concern for the environment.

Ideally, a green community offers various opportunities for transportation, conserves land, and uses the open space for cultivation and recreation. Such a community also utilizes the cultural and natural resources properly.

A green community provides a healthy environment to live, clean air to breathe, fertile soil for growing crops, fresh water, and enough ways to move people as well as goods around conveniently. Cooperating with nature and living implies that one cares about this world and about oneself.

The green police believe that a good green community would have buildings and houses cutting down on electricity by making use of solar power, wind power, tidal power and geo-thermal power. The floors can be made of bamboo which is durable and environment friendly, the appliances and light fixtures can be energy efficient, shower head can be low flow so that less water is wasted when bathing, the furniture is made of eco-friendly materials, and one can also have recycled glass tops for his/her house.

January 29, 2010 at 4:00 am Leave a comment


Environmentalism is a wide spectrum of social consciousness and relevant movement, which deals with natural conservation and promotes the well being of environment, globally. This is a conscious and responsible approach toward the concept of green earth. However, the logos and flags related to environmentalism are of green color which stands for green Earth concept as well as signifies progress.

Environmentalism can also be explained as a social united attempt to influence the authorities by different campaigning and counseling about the mentality and consciousness to preserve the balance between ecosystem and all natural resources. It plans the progress of movement on three fundamental factors like human rights, ecology, and health.
Those who advocate on favor of environmentalism in order to put a voice for natural world preservation for prevention and preservation for human civilization are called environmentalist.

Environmentalism never expresses by any instructive dogma; their promotional campaigning are arrange to create appeal to the consciousness general people to be sensible and responsible about natural resources and natural balance by their consumer choices.  The environmentalist mentality of the green police supports green choice like organic foods and clean energy use for the sake of mass pollution control aiming to live green in years ahead.

January 28, 2010 at 2:30 pm Leave a comment

Environmental Laws

Environmental laws are a body of conventions, regulations, treaties, common law and statutes that are formulated to regulate the interaction of humanity with the remaining of the natural environment. The legislation of these environmental statutes is directed towards reducing the adverse effect of human activities on the environment. The environmental laws can be broadly divided into two major categories namely resource conservation and management and pollution control and remediation.

According to the green police, international law constitutes an integral aspect of environmental laws as the concerns are global. There are innumerable “legally binding international agreements” that cover different areas including marine life, wildlife, terrestrial issues and even biodiversity protection. Some of the important events that have played an important role in shaping up these environmental laws include the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment of 1972, World Summit on Sustainable Development of 2002, World Commission on Environment and Development of 1983 and United Nations Conference on Environment and Development that took place in 1992.

Environmental laws in the USA were introduced on the insistence of the EPA or the US Environmental Protection Agency. This was followed by the introduction of laws like the Federal Water pollution Control Act (1948), Clear Air Act (1955), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (1947), the Shoreline Protection Act and the Solid Waste Disposal Act.

January 28, 2010 at 4:00 am Leave a comment

Eco Furniture

Going back to the natural way of living is a perfect way of preserving the environment from the harmful effects of human civilization. Although big companies are held to be responsible for polluting the environment, we as individuals need to contribute to the cause as well. The green police have pointed out that an easy and affordable way for homeowners to go eco friendly is to opt for eco furniture that are both durable as well as pleasing to the eye.

Eco furniture is usually obtained from sustainable harvested wood or from local workshops specialized in making green furniture. The sustainable wood that is required for making the furniture is replaced easily and you get to use the real hardwood instead of the fake variety which tends to laden the atmosphere with carbon emissions which are a byproduct of the manufacturing process. The economic progress of the local workmen is assured too giving you the satisfaction of not having to depend on products made elsewhere.

There is absolutely no need to compromise on style and class by choosing eco furniture for your home. You do get a mind boggling variety of colors that bring out the rich natural shade of the original wood and the hard variety of timber provides you with the flexibility of shaping them as you wish without damaging them unduly.

January 27, 2010 at 2:30 pm Leave a comment

Biofuel Companies

Biofuel is been seen as the fuel of the future. The overuse of fossil fuels has led to a steep drop in its reserves and a steep hike in its prices all around the globe.  Most of the world’s demand for energy had till date been met by petroleum reserves which, if not carefully used, would be exhausted in the future. Not only is it all about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves or its escalating prices. The situation is much graver considering the damage that has been done to the environment.

Biofuels like fossil fuels can be burned to produce energy, but unlike fossil fuels, is a sustainable source of energy. Biofuel companies manufacture bioalcohol, syngas, biodiesel and vegetable oils. Biodiesel is manufactured from the fats or oils with the help of the process of transesterification. This organic chemical is then combined with sodium hydroxide and ethanol to produce biodiesel. Ethanol is in fact one of the most used biofuel products that is used in place of petroleum or gasoline.

There are various companies that are taking an interest in producing biofuel. These biofuel companies use sustainable products as raw materials. The green police firmly believe that biofuels are the energy sources for the future.

January 27, 2010 at 4:00 am Leave a comment

Renewable And Sustainable Energy

Renewable and sustainable energy are two closely related terms. Renewable energy is the energy that gets generated from natural resources. The greatest natural resource providing renewable energy is the sun. Other sources are the wind, tides, rain and biofuel. Renewable energy is derived from sources that get replenished constantly.

Water energy, in many forms, can be harnessed and used appropriately. Hydroelectric energy, micro hydro systems, ocean energy are a few. Wind power, the energy obtained from the radiations of the sun can all be used for some purpose.

According to the green police, sustainable energy is defined as that condition of energy usage where while the means adopted meet the current need, they do not compromise on the future generation’s ability to meet their needs. It is thus clear that renewable and sustainable energy are overlapping concepts. We may also say the renewable energy sources are sustainable energy sources. Be it solar power, wind power, hydro power or any other source of renewable energy, these are desirable because these use sources that do not cause any harm to the environment.

Wind power for example does not produce harmful gases like carbon dioxide or green house gases. Also, these do not deplete the existing resources. Thus, renewable and sustainable energy are preferred than other sources of energy because these do not affect the future generations while meeting the needs of the present.

January 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm Leave a comment

Industrial Pollution

Industrial pollution is one of the major sources of pollution that is causes immense harm to the environment. As the name suggests, the main cause of industrial pollution is the industrial wastes that are created in the course of the production process. With the volume of production increasing, industrial pollution has also increased over the years.

Many production processes release harmful toxic gases in to the atmosphere. These gases contain carbon, oxides of nitrogen and other harmful substances that are hazardous for human health. The emissions also harm the natural habitat of other living organisms that are unable to cope up with this. These pollutants have serious and long term effects on the environment.

Industrial pollution also causes water pollution. The toxic wastes that are produced in large factories during production are dumped in the rivers that pollute the river water. It pollutes the water and spreads virus and bacteria causing diseases among those who use it. In many cases, the water becomes unfit for use and a scarcity is created in certain regions. The contamination of the river water also affects the ecosystem of the river adversely. The green police have warned that many organisms die due to this and the ecological balance is lost.

Using less fossil fuel and more alternative sources of energy can help us reduce industrial pollution greatly.

January 26, 2010 at 4:00 am Leave a comment

Green Employment

Many of us would like to be employed for an environment friendly cause.

If you’d like to explore such a green employment opportunity, it is important to understand your own skill set for the same. Identify your skills that can lead you to such a sector. Besides, it would be of immense help if you can volunteer for such a cause and build up your own credentials and experience for the same. Probably getting some kind of hands on training for green employment would also help you in the process.

The green police stress the importance of networking if you’d like green employment. Try and meet like mine people. If you look around you may find that many believe in the cause. They may be able to provide you with important leads, and tips to improvise your career.

It would also be worthwhile to grab available knowledge on opportunities available. Like other sectors, green employment is also quite competitive. Knowledge about the same can help you consider appropriate opportunities.

It may also be wise to realise the fact that your ideal green employment opportunity may not be available. Hence you can try collating with like mine individuals to form a venture of your own.

January 25, 2010 at 2:30 pm Leave a comment

Environmental Problems

A number of inter related environmental problems are posing serious threat to the biodiversity of the earth in the recent times. Problems like deforestation, pollution, extinction of plants and animals, environmental degradation, climate change leading to global warming, genetic engineering, energy conservation and so on are a few of the environmental problems the world is facing today.

Interestingly, these issues though stated separately are very closely related to one another. A deeper study will reveal that while pollution is a resultant of use of plastic, dumping of litter and waste material from factories into the rivers, emission of carbon from automobiles and other such reasons; pollution triggers a lot of problems in the environment. Also, these factors lead to a rise in the average temperature of the planet. This leads to global warming.

Global warming in turn affects the flora and fauna of different region in different ways. It also has an adverse effect on the agriculture. Many species of plants and animals that are unable to adapt to the change in the temperature become extinct over time. Extinction affects the biodiversity of the planet and disturbs the ecological balance.

The green police believe that it is clear that an overall awareness and conscious effort on all out part is required to fight the environmental problems and make the earth a better place to live in.

January 25, 2010 at 4:00 am Leave a comment

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